Sunday, June 19, 2005

First Post Ever: How Is This Not Narcissism?

I caved. I said I wasn't going to do this. First of all the word "blog" annoys me. It annoys me in the same way that "sport ute" and "slice of 'za" do. But that's just me. My real hang-up with web logging is the element of inherent self-promotion. I can't get over the sense that I'm standing here in the cyber wilderness crying out: "hey everybody, look at me! Hey, hey, guys. Check out my interesting thoughts. Check out my funny observations." But here I am. In the end I guess I just started to feel left out. Too many of my normal (and humble) friends have joined the ranks of blogdom. I heard the water was warm. Besides I have a voice. I wrote a weekly column in my college newspaper. How is this any different? I want to be famous just as much as the next guy. Hey everybody...look at me.


John Umland said...

you are self serving, but you often serve the rest of us too. keep it up.

Anonymous said...

what's worse is when you cry out, "look at me!" and no one does. you are in no danger of that my friend.

Anonymous said...

dont haff stepp beeeotch